Animation has quickly become a worldwide phenomenon, and anime has reached the top of the animation industry. With its intricate stories, stunning animation, and world-building abilities, anime is the perfect place to keep your attention. These are some of the most popular and highly acclaimed anime for beginners.

'Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba'

The world has been captivated by the debut episode of Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba, a relatively new series that was released in 2019. It is now a classic and a major hit. It was originally a manga comic that was introduced to the world. The TV series and film quickly made it a fan favorite.

A demon epidemic causes a young Tanjiro to set out on a quest to avenge his relatives and find a cure for his sister. Demon Slayer is a bold premise. It also pays homage Japanese art and showcases stunning sword choreography.

Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop is a classic anime series that has been viewed as one of the best. The story follows a group of bounty hunter who travel across the Solar System aboard their ship, the Bebop. It explores concepts of existentialism as well as the search for belonging among a variety of misfits. The series can be described as a mix of sci-fi cyberpunk and Western, and is both unpredictable and exciting.

You can binge watch the show in a single season with only 26 episodes. Cowboy Bebop can be easily accessed and is universally loved, making it a great choice for anyone looking to get into anime.

Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen is still a new anime, but it's already made a significant impact in the anime industry. The show was released in late 2020 and has seen a tremendous increase in viewership compared to its peers. Jujutsu Kaisen, which focuses on a young sorcerer’s quest to exorcise the demon he ate, also discusses deeper connections between the souls and the bodies.

This series is a captivating dark fantasy that will appeal to fans of the occult. Jujutsu Kaisen offers a variety of amazing animation, engaging characters, and gory fight scenes. It is ideal for those who are just starting to learn about anime. Jujutsu Kaisen 0, the prequel to the series, is available for viewing. Season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen will be available in July 2023.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

The steampunk dark fantasy series tells a complex story of loss, war, and moral ethics. Two brothers attempt to alter the fate of their mother by using alchemy. They must then seek to heal their bodies through alchemy.

Fullmetal Alchemist is fast and effective in storytelling, with episodes lasting between 12-18 minutes. The pace is perfect, with characters arcs flowing naturally into each other. It also uses its time to describe the strong bond between the brothers. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood will impress and tug at the heartstrings.

Attack on Titan

Another popular series, Attack on Titan, has been a huge success. This series explores darker themes and depicts a dystopia in which humanity has surrounded itself with flesh-eating Titans. Attack on Titan, a mentally challenging series that is gritty and heartbreaking, takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster.

The series is visually unique and creates a dynamic space through its use of scale and dimension. Attack on Titan has a more graphic aesthetic. The uncanny humanoid titans, and their barbaric nature, are disturbing but not intrusive. Although the show is violent and brutal, many have embraced it as a modern classic because of its balanced nature and high praise.

Naruto: Shippuden

Naruto: Shippuden, another classic that's been a hit in pop culture, is a great choice for those who are looking to stay with the series. Naruto: Shippuden, a part the Big Three Shonen that popularized anime worldwide, has a run of approximately 500 episodes and a ten-year-long run. Naruto's journey as a young man and how he learns to be a ninja in order to lead his village.

Naruto is a show that shows the hero's journey in its entirety. Many long-standing fans have spoken out about how this show shaped their lives. The show is not only sentimental, but also features some of the best hand combat animations in anime history. This series is perfect for beginners to anime.

Death Note

Death Note, another classic anime series, is a broody crime thriller about life, death, and justice at the hands karma. Light Yagami, a young vigilante, stumbles upon the Death Note. This book is in which any name will be put to death.

Light uses the Death Note to make a critical comment on personal ethics, power, and the influence of ego on the role of God. The series is a blend of thriller and horror that entices viewers to return time after time.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure'

Before you enter the bizarre world of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure take a deep breath. The series is about the descendants of an odd Joestar family who use the power of a curse to defeat evil forces. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has a reputation for its jaw-dropping fights and quirky humor, as well as eyebrow-raising absurdity.

Steins; Gate

Steins; Gate, a cerebral time travel adventure for science-fiction lovers, explores the classic theory of time travel in which something that is altered in the past can change its future. Three friends are located in Akihabara's Japanese district. They tip-toe into time and send texts back to the past to change their fates.

One slip-up can cause a whole butterfly effect. The choices made by Steins; Gate are nothing short of anxious-inducing. This show has heartfelt moments and complex character dynamics. It requires active thinking.


Bleach, another series from the Big Three Shonen is a great choice for fans of action, adventure and supernatural. Bleach is about Ichigo Kurasaki (angsty teenager) and follows his story as he inherits the abilities a Soul Reaper, which he must use for good.