Which side is winning in the conflict within Ukraine depends on who's speaking. Typically, Russia says that it has won as it was planned and it is the United States says Ukraine is having a surprising win because of its unwavering opposition and Western support. On the surface the it appears that the authoritarian Russia is not a reliable source of the facts, or even information about war however, the more liberal West is more credible because it permits a fair and independent investigation.

In reality, Chinese strategic strategist Sun Tzu said, "all warfare is based on deception". Both sides cannot or should be believed to cut through the danger of war as both are involved in warfare involving psychological tactics which is crucial to winning the conflict in Ukraine In reality, both sides are promoting their own biased truths and myths, as well as they are censoring their counter claims, since both sides must maintain the appearance of progress to justify huge sacrifices in blood or in treasure. Both sides must increase the stakes to strengthen the public's resolve in support of their objectives, which so has ruled out any serious efforts towards an agreement through diplomatic channels. Russia wants to reduce its morale in those fighting for the Ukrainian resistance and diminish European acceptance of a conflict that can't be won.

While the US seeks to strengthen Ukrainian and European excitement for a winnable war even though the public is aware, US official are skeptical that Ukraine can regain all of its territories under occupation. The Russian media is left with other choice than to follow the official position, Western media has a option to choose to believe NATO and Pentagon reports and briefs, regardless of the intentions. For instance, consider the statement that an individual has made (why who is anonymous?)

Senior Pentagon official who says "Russia has committed nearly 85 percent of its military to the war in Ukraine" and "has removed military coverage from other areas on their border and around the world"; Russia "still has not figured out how to use combined arms effectively"; Russia is "taking hundreds of casualties a day". The Russian military's fatalities are "thousands" of lieutenants and captains, "hundreds" of colonels as well as "many" generals Now

I don't know what the truth is about this or any other claims like this are real, and neither I am sure of the people who are promoting it, or the journalists who are spreading the news. However, it's all over the internet, influencing the views of the general people, the elites, and experts, a majority of whom believe that Ukraine can pull off an surprise, if not a complete victory over its stronger neigh bour  the Western media, and particularly the Anglo-American one, is suffering from a lack of or perhaps selective memory when they take the official word at face value.

like the lies of yesterday's wars that took place in Afghanistan, Iraq or Vietnam is irrelevant to the current conflict in Ukraine In the year 2019 The Washington Post newspaper revealed that top US officials did not tell what was true about the conflict in Afghanistan during the entire 18-year war and made rosy statements they knew were not true and concealing evidence that proved the war was no longer winnable. That is, they have lied. But think-tanks, media outlets and influential pundits continued trust those "officials"; even after it was exposed that they also had lied about another war , the Iraq war which was also fought under false pretenses and fake evidence Deceitful behavior by officials was even more prevalent in this period of the Cold War.

For instance it is The "Pentagon Papers" published about half a century ago , revealed how there was evidence that the US government was responsible for an enormous cover-up of the devastating losses of the Vietnam war which resulted in 55,000 American and over 1 million Vietnamese deaths. Any belief about the fact that US press and people's faith in the government's view of the wars would be "forever diminished", turned into a falsehood since the official lies regarding dirty wars "dirty wars" in Asia and Central America continued to be extensively covered as facts Even in the present, when US Special Operation Command secretly sends special forces to Africa to combat "shadow wars", it clearly proclaims "free and transparent press". It is difficult to tell if to be giddy or sad. it's no reason to be surprised that government officials, be they autocracies or democratic, tell lies about wars based on tactical or strategic reasons.

Actually, there's an alternative name for it - stratagem that means sending false signals to disarm the enemy , while reassuring ones self-defense. What's most surprising is the "free press" in the "free world", which to its credit revealed a large portion of the lies that were used by the government in the past such as The "Pentagon papers" as well as the "Pentagon Papers" and the "Afghan Papers", is determined to repeat and amplify the official narrative as if it was involved in the war. Watching journalists and experts in reputable American as well as British journals sift through the synonyms of evil, fascist and risky for Russia's Putin with almost no effort to achieve neutrality or objectiveness,

It is believed one could argue that Western media has joined NATO's battle towards Putin's Russia until the moment of victory. What do "victory" entail here: getting rid of the entire country of Ukraine? or weakening Russia to the point that it is no longer a threat to other European countries ? The difference can't be overstated since NATO's main goal is to take on Russia and stop China from taking its steps regardless of the cost for Ukraine. The reason is that each side seems determined to keep fighting regardless of the price. Russia hopes that time will cause an weakened Ukraine and a shaky Europe to act first, then eventually give up. The US is eager to see Ukrainians fighting for their country regardless of whether they win "victory" is achievable, so long as the conflict consumes the Russian army and weakens the economy.

It is believed that Putin's Russia is likely to break in Ukraine in the same way that it was the case when Soviet Union imploded after a decade-long war against the American-backed militants in Afghanistan. However, Ukraine is no Afghanistan and is not a part of Afghanistan in any meaningful way or way. Russia doesn't see it as a squandering geopolitical resource. Therefore, even it is the case that Ukraine did manage to pull off an unexpected victory over invasion Russian forces, and forced Moscow into a surprise conflict of attrition, it is not certain it can sustain its offensive for an additional one or two months let alone six years. The ongoing struggle for Kherson might provide a clearer indication of where the situation is headed. But , as it continues to be the case that Western military support is robust but is primarily defensive in order to avoid an armed confrontation with Russia Expect the devastation conflict to continue over the long term or even a stagnation at the very least, but and not a definitive victory for either side.

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